There are many reasons for people making that big decision to sell their home – moving, up-sizing, down-sizing, moving, divorce, or health issues. Whatever the reason, the decision is sometimes a difficult one. We talk to our family, our friends, our work colleagues hoping for some words of wisdom that will make the decision just a little easier. Should I sell? With the exception of life partners, these may not be the best people to influence your choice. Children often do want you to sell the family home, especially after the death of a mom or dad – the house may represent the last connection they feel they have with their loved one. Friends do not want you to move away from the neighbourhood; they will miss your Tuesday afternoon bridge games or the weekend BBQs with you that have become so much a part of their lives. Colleagues, while perhaps having a relationship with you on a work level, often do not understand the intricacies of you home life. They do not know you are having problems climbing the stairs or are moving towards a divorce – and you don’t want them to know – that is none of their business.
A professional realtor is the best person to give advice on whether or not this may be the best time for YOU to put your house on the market. He or she has talked to hundreds of people in similar situations. They know the market – what is selling and for how much – and your conversation with them will be completely confidential. They understand that until that decision to sell is made, and the for sale sign is on the front lawn, not one other person besides yourself and the realtor need to know the big leap you are about to make. Read “Choosing A Realtor” ( when you are ready for some informed advice on selling your home.
Written by: Sandy Morgan